VIVES launches its Combination View web app
Taking advantage of the aesthetic and compositional versatility offered by the small ceramic format, VIVES Azulejos y Gres launches Combination View, a new free web app to design spaces with its new porcelain tiles in 15x15 cm rectified format.

The app has a very intuitive design that allows the designer to make innumerable combinations of pieces with this new format belonging to the Seine series, in addition to calculating the quantities of each material necessary to make said composition. Once the desired result has been obtained, the user can download a report that includes all the information about the pieces used and the measurements of the project, and hence is then ready to start.
Combination View joins the online Collection View and Panoramic View tools that VIVES Cerámica makes available to its users to facilitate and make the most of the project design. It can be accessed from the following link: Combination View